Gladiator Sports, Inc.
Mission Statement
The mission of Gladiator Sports, Inc. is to target barriers that restrict youth sports participation in Central Harlem and create solutions that increase opportunities for participation. Whereas suburbs have a full array of youth sports programs, there is an insufficient supply of youth programs in Harlem. By participating in organized sports programs, youth spend substantial time away from "negative recreation", i.e. drugs and gang related violence. There is nothing more effective than a targeted, proactive approach to the delivery of a youth sports program. We at Gladiator Sports, Inc. also believe that strong minds are essential in this ever changing world. In an attempt to address this issue, Gladiator Sports, Inc. provides Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Current Events to reinforce our youth academic stability. Gladiator Sports, Inc. targets where there is a problem and a need; accurate targeting means you get excellent results.
Now more than ever, the youth of today need our help, guidance and an equal opportunity for their development. Without our help, many young people will be lost to the negative influences of the streets and society. All children must be guaranteed the opportunity for a successful start in life regardless of race, gender and family composition. The youth of today are our leaders of tomorrow, who will shape the world. e must ask ourselves what type of world we are going to help them build, and what role are we going to play in shaping that world.
In response to significant disparity, Gladiator Sports, Inc. was created to provide a neighborhood based program to help keep the youth of the community focused, engaged and optimistic. We provide mentoring and coaching to teach self reliance, respect for others, independent thinking, duty to family and community.
When a child has self-esteem, there are no limits. The first building block for many children is a better understanding of the world around them and how they can make an impact. When they feel that they make a difference, they take pride in everything they do, but if they feel invisible, they won't put in much of an effort. Gladiator Sports, Inc. offers exposure to a broader world that children may not otherwise see first-hand, whether it is through sports, the arts or in nature. We intend to use sports and academics to build teamwork and tolerance for others.